
Occasions That Could Warrant The Need for an Emergency Plumber

When you are at home, it is natural that you will want for everything to be in perfect working order; you will be accustomed to a certain standard of living, and understandably do not want plumbing problems to negatively impact the status quo. Whilst some issues can wait to be dealt with, this is not always the case. Below, you can find Drain Protection UK’s take on the instances that will merit paying for an emergency plumber to come to your property.

1. Your Home is Flooded

The reason that we have put this point first is because it is arguably the situation that is most-detrimental to your living experience. In the UK, it is well-documented that the weather is less-than ideal. Throughout the year, we are routinely bombarded with rain. Depending on the quality of your drainage, it is possible that you could find your home flooded. If you wake up to find water slowly-but-surely filtering into your property, you can term this to be a plumbing emergency. To fix the problem, you want to enlist the help of a professional as soon as possible.

2. The Supply Pipes are Frozen

One of the major issues that homeowners up-and-down the country have to contend with towards the tail-end of the year relates to frozen pipes. As we are sure you can imagine, this is not something that can be resolved with ease. If you were to try and heat them up, you open yourself up to the possibility of burst pipes, which is also not particularly desirable. Should this scenario come to light, we suggest reaching out to an emergency plumber - they will provide a fix in a quick-and-efficient fashion. 

3. The Toilet is Overflowing

Picture the scene: you come home from work after a hard day, only to be greeted by a foul smell stemming from the bathroom. You open the door, and find that there is water pouring out of the toilet at a rapid rate. If this was allowed to fester, you can be rest-assured that your property’s quality will decline faster than you thought possible. The cause for this problem is likely going to be blocked drains; alternatively, there may be an underlying fault with your plumbing system that you weren’t previously aware of.

4. The Boiler is Broken

It is true that certain problems pertaining to the boiler are not considered to be worthy of the attention of emergency plumbers. One way to determine the severity of your circumstances is by considering the temperature outside of your property. If the cold is permanent, and your health and safety is at-risk of being compromised, you can be sure that a boiler repair service, courtesy of an emergency plumber, is an expense worth paying for.

Explaining our Services

Whilst it is understandable that it is not a position that you want to find yourself in, you have to try and be prepared for any eventuality that comes your way. This is easier said than done, particularly when we are discussing plumbing issues that could crop-up. Whether it is a domestic or commercial project that you currently need fixing, to preserve your peace-of-mind you need to engage with a firm that is well-versed in the problems that might come your way. 


With an extensive range of contacts, you can be sure that Drain Protection UK is well-suited to assisting you. Want to familiarise yourself with the emergency plumbing services that we can arrange for you? To make contact with one of our representatives, we recommend calling us on 0800 689 1862writing to us at

Why Sign Up To Drain Protection UK?

Our engineers use many methods to fix drainage issue on your property. These include rodding & jetting, CCTV surveys and more. We don’t just supply plumbing and drainage engineers; our team will fix appliances/white goods and boilers all depending on your level of cover with us.

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